When challenged with a 'No Paper' artist book call, I started looking around the house to see what was to be had.
Thankfully, the timeline coincided with the last drop of olive oil from the giant tin in the pantry!
Lots of pictures for this one! Enjoy!
I just had to cut the covers from the part that included the bee!
It coordinated perfectly with the leather binding,straps and cover protectors.
The longstitch binding worked great for sewing the signatures but pulling the needle and waxed thread through the metal covers needed some extra help from the pliers!
All twenty pages were from fabric scraps - the numbers on this page are from a selvedge strip.
Note that the tin edges are tapped to the inside about a sixteenth of an inch so the metal edge isn't sharp.
That is why the corners and the inside stitching are protected as well.
The pages are pinked, stitched to the buckram base on only three sides,
so the new owner can fill up these pockets herself.
I hear it's going to be full of recipes!
Closed, packed, mailed and, I hear from my art friend, residing in a new place of honor in her kitchen.
Bon Appétit!